F.A.Q. (Answers to Most Common Questions)

  • Delivery time: estimated 5 days for production, plus 9 days courier shipping.
  • All are US$ prices, which include free shipping to North America, Europe, Asia and Oceania.
  • All models in same quality, just different patterns and colors for customers’ choice and reference.
  • Weight limits are high (vary for various sizes). No problem for regular uses by adults and kids.
  • The prices do NOT include the electric blower of 800/1200W and 110V/220V.
  • Will directly send to buyers’ PayPal shipping address. No need to input it here.
  • One year warranty.


Q: What kinds of payment methods are acceptable?
A: Wire transfer (T/T), Western Union, MoneyGram or PayPal etc.

Q: How is the product going to be shipped?
A: By courier delivery FedEx, UPS, TNT, DHL, by air or by sea.

Q: How long is the production time after payment?
A: Estimated 5 days.

Q: How many days will the shipping take?
A: Around 8-12 days by courier delivery.

Q: What is minimum order quantity?
A: MOQ is 1 unit.

Q: Is there any discount for massive quantity?
A: Yes, it is negotiable.

Q: What countries do you ship to?
A: Worldwide.

Q: What about the import taxes and duties?
A: Our prices DO NOT include any import taxes, duties and other charged by overseas customs.

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Payment Terms:

How Can The Buyers Make Payment to Order Zorb Ball?

These are the regular payment methods: bank transfer, Western Union, MoneyGram and PayPal etc.

Zorb Ball Payment
Zorb Ball Payment

Delivery Ways:

What Are The Shipping Ways for Water Walking Ball?

The standard shipping methods include courier delivery (FedEx, UPS, TNT, DHL), air freight and sea shipping etc. Estimated 6-8 days for courier, 5 days air freight to local air port and 20-40 days by sea to local port.

Zorb Ball Delivery
Zorb Ball Delivery